Wednesday, August 31, 2016

C Library Header – wchar

The header <wchar.h> defines wide string handling functions.

The <wchar.h> header shall define the following macro constants:
WEOF a non-character value of type wint_t used to indicate errors (C95)
WCHAR_MIN the smallest valid value of wchar_t (C95)
WCHAR_MAX the largest valid value of wchar_t (C95)

The <wchar.h> header shall define the following functions:
fgetwc Get wide character from stream
fgetws Get wide string from stream
fputwcWrite wide character to stream
fputws Write wide string to stream
fwide Stream orientation
fwprintf Write formatted data to stream
fwscanf Read formatted data from stream
getwc Get wide character from stream
getwchar Get wide character from stdin
putwc Write wide character to stream
putwchar Write wide character to stdout
swprintf Write formatted data to wide string
swscanf Read formatted data from string
ungetwc Unget wide character from stream
vfwprintf Write formatted data from variable argument list to stream
vfwscanf Read formatted data from stream into variable argument list (C11)
vswprintf Write formatted data from variable argument list to sized buffer (C11)
vswscanf Read formatted data from wide string into variable argument list (C11)
vwprintf Print formatted data from variable argument list to stdout
vwscanf Read formatted data into variable argument list (C11)
wprintf Print formatted data to stdout
wscanf Read formatted data from stdin

General Utilities:
converts a wide string to an integer value
converts a wide string to an unsigned integer value
converts a wide string to a floating point value
btowc Convert single byte character to wide character
mbrlen Get length of multibyte character
mbrtowc Convert multibyte sequence to wide character
mbsinit Check if initial conversion state
mbsrtowcs Convert multibyte string to wide-character string
wcrtomb Convert wide character to multibyte sequence
wctob Convert wide character to single byte
wcsrtombs Convert wide-character string to multibyte string

copies one wide string to another
copies a certain amount of wide characters from one string to another
appends a copy of one wide string to another
appends a certain amount of wide characters from one wide string to another
wcsxfrmtransform a wide string so that wcscmp would produce the same result as wcscoll (C95)
returns the length of a wide string
wcscmp compares two wide strings (C95)
wcsncmp compares a certain amount of characters from two wide strings (C95)
wcscoll compares two wide strings in accordance to the current locale (C95)
wcschr finds the first occurrence of a wide character in a wide string (C95)
wcsrchr finds the last occurrence of a wide character in a wide string (C95)
wcsspn returns the length of the maximum initial segment that consists of only the wide characters found in another wide string (C95)
wcscspn returns the length of the maximum initial segment that consists of only the wide chars not found in another wide string (C95)
wcspbrk finds the first location of any wide character in one wide string, in another wide string (C95)
wcsstr finds the first occurrence of a wide string within another wide string (C95)
finds the next token in a wide string

Wide character array manipulation:
copies a certain amount of wide characters between two non-overlapping arrays
copies a certain amount of wide characters between two, possibly overlapping, arrays
wmemcmp compares a certain amount of wide characters from two arrays (C95)
wmemchr finds the first occurrence of a wide character in a wide character array (C95)
wmemset copies the given wide character to every position in a wide character array (C95)

wcsftime Format time as wide string

Related topics:
<tgmath.h>   |   <threads.h>   |   <time.h>   |   <uchar.h>   |   <wctype.h>   |   Standard Library in C

List of topics: C Programming

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