Thursday, May 26, 2016

8051 Program - signed 32bit subtraction

; subroutine SUB32
; 32-Bit Signed (2's Complement) subtraction
; input: r3, r2, r1, r0 = X
; r7, r6, r5, r4 = Y
; output: r3, r2, r1, r0 = signed difference D = X - Y
; Carry C is set if the result (D) is out of range.
; alters: acc, C, OV

SUB32:anl PSW, #0E7H ;Register Bank 0
mov a, r0 ;load X low byte into acc
clr C ;clear carry flag
subb a, r4 ;subract Y low byte
mov r0, a ;put result in Z low byte
mov a, r1 ;repeat with other bytes...
subb a, r5
mov r1, a
mov a, r2
subb a, r6
mov r2, a
mov a, r3
subb a, r7
mov r3, a
mov C, OV ;set C if external borrow

Source: Maths Subroutines for the 8051 microcontroller, W.G.Marshall 2002

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