Thursday, May 26, 2016

8051 Program - signed 16bit division

; subroutine DIV16
; 16-Bit / 16-Bit to 16-Bit Quotient & remainder signed Divide
; 2's Complement Format
; input: r1, r0 = Dividend X
; r3, r2 = Divisor Y
; output: r1, r0 = quotient Q of division Q = X / Y
; r3, r2 = remainder
; Carry C is set if Y = 0, i.e. divide by 0 attempted
; calls: UDIV16, Cr0r1, Cr2r3, Mr0r1
; alters: acc, r4, r5, r6, r7, flags, Bits 21H & 22H

DIV16:anl PSW, #0E7H ;Register Bank 0
mov a, r3 ;get divisor high byte
orl a, r2 ;OR with low byte
jnz div_OK ;divisor OK if not 0
setb C ;else, overflow
div_OK:push dpl
push dph
push b
acall Cr0r1 ;2's comp -> Mag/Sign
acall Cr2r3 ;2's comp -> Mag/Sign
acall UDIV16
acall Mr0r1 ;Mag/Sign -> 2's Comp
clr C
pop b
pop dph
pop dpl
ret ;done

Source: Maths Subroutines for the 8051 microcontroller, W.G.Marshall 2002

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