Saturday, April 30, 2016

8051 Program – smallest element in an array

; smallest element in a given string
; external memory
org 9000h
mov r3,#05h
mov dptr,#8000h
movx a,@dptr
mov r1,a
nextbyte:inc dptr
movx a,@dptr
clr c
mov r2,a
subb a,r1
jnc skip
mov a,r2
mov r1,a
skip: djnz r3,nextbyte
mov dpl,#62h
mov a,r1
movx @dptr,a
sjmp $
org 8000h
db 04,05,06,07,08,02
;Result: 8062 -> 02

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List of topics: 8051


  1. Thank you for help.. one question in my mind , how to write a program to find smallest number from memory block using 8051 uc by assembly language?
