Monday, February 29, 2016

8051 AJMP Instruction

Absolute Jump

InstructionAJMP addr11
FunctionAbsolute Jump
EncodingA10 A9 A8 0 0 0 0 1 A7...A0
OperationPC = PC + 2
PC10-0 = A10-0
DescriptionAJMP transfers program execution to the indicated address, which is formed at run-time by concatenating the high-order five bits of the PC (after incrementing the PC twice), opcode bits 7 through 5, and the second byte of the instruction. The destination must therfore be within the same 2 K block of program memory as the first byte of the instruction following AJMP.
Flags AffectedC AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV P
ExampleThe label JMPADR is at program memory location 0123H. The following instruction,
is at location 0345H and loads the PC with 0123H.
Bytes: Number of bytes required to encode the instruction.
Cycles: Number of instruction cycles required to execute the instruction. Note that there are 12 oscillator cycles to one instruction cycle on a standard 8051.
Encoding: Lists the byte encoding for the instruction.
Operation: Lists, step-by-step, the operations performed by the instruction.
Flags Affected: are highlighted in Bold

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